
OUR challenge to win the inaugural New Ocean Wave Pacific Rowing Race – and be the first crew of four to row from California to Hawai’i – is an excellent platform for your company to secure positive marketing and public relations exposure.

(See below for a list of our sponsors)

Read our Sponsorship Pack

pacific rowing

From buying the naming rights to our boat and team, including hull decals, to purchasing space on our craft for you name to appear, to providing equipment on which our quest rests, your firm will become synonymous with the adventure and idealism inherent in the Pacific Rowing Race Challenge.

The race will be covered by the world’s media, whether it be local or national newspapers, sports magazines, boat journals, health magazines or more. Organisers aim to make the Pacific Rowing Race the most interactive ever so land lubbers can pull each stroke, and are talking to TV channels to take on rights to broadcast coverage of the race.

Data from the 2001 Ward Evans Atlantic Race revealed the net value of coverage in the UK was almost £3million. Pacific Rowing Race bosses aim to smash that coverage.

And alongside the organisers’ plans, we will be undertaking our own plans to get our story out there. Two of us are journalists and one builds websites – communication and its platforms are our business.

monkseal2.jpg.593x274_q85_crop_upscaleThe race is also a wonderful opportunity to boost the green credentials of your company. The very nature of rowing the Pacific creates images of wide open seas travelled without the use of fossil fuels on a boat on which all equipment is powered by the sun. The links to ocean conservation, climate change, and renewable energy are readily apparent.

But it’s not just PR and media exposure where supporting our quest can benefit your company. When the adventure is over we can attend work functions as motivational speakers or use our own professional skills for the good of your company, even if that is just live blogging on your website from the middle of the Pacific Ocean flanked by pods of dolphins.

There are a number of packages you can invest in, please contact us on info@pacificrowers.com to find out more.


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TrekNeals Yard RemediesKing of Watersports
Seal Skinz