Stationary row from New Zealand to Hawai’i – update


FINISH: 5KM past the Coromandel Peninsula



I HAVE been ‘out at sea’ for about 10 days and have managed to complete a few dozen kilometres, but a new job and a distant gym have proved to be obstacles.

This will change come Monday. My 14-days-for-one-dollar pass at Les Mills gym in Auckland has run aground, so I plan to set sail at the 24-hour Jetts gym in Grey Lynn, which is perfectly placed between work and home - and within 100 metres of Hell Pizza.

Below I have run through my rowing sessions, including time and distances completed, along with supplementary work. Each session is started with a five-minute march up a 3% incline on the treadmill followed by a 10-minute stretch and thigh massage on the foam roller.

After each row I complete what I call an opposite weights set, where I exercise the muscles opposite to the ones used in rowing: so triceps, chest, hamstrings, and stomach.

I have also discovered an amazing instructional video on YouTube presented by some dude who teaches rowing near the Thames in the UK. It has helped me reduce my strokes per minute considerably, but also increase the distance covered.

In addition I discovered a 12-step ‘weights-for-rowing’ programme, which I have done once but on the four or five subsequent days found walking a right issue. I will blog about the video and weights programme shortly.

So below is the rowing I have completed since arriving on Waiheke Island. The next (imaginary) stop according to my route (devised on google maps and a pencil) would be the tip of New Zealand’s Coromandel peninsula.

So according to my summary, I arrived and departed from the Coromandel and therefore mainland New Zealand, and am now 5km out into yonder.

SUMMARY: Time: 211 minutes; Distance: 45.602km


Date: June 17; Time: 30 minutes; Distance: 6.5km; Supplementary: Opposite weights.


Date: June 18; Time: 60 minutes; Distance: 13.055km; Supplementary: Opposite weights.


Date: June 19; Time: 10 minutes; Distance: 2km; Supplementary: 12 step ‘weights for rowing’.


Date: June 22; Time: 71 minutes; Distance: 15km; Supplementary: Opposite weights


Date: June 27; Time: 40 minutes; Distance: 9.047km; Supplementary: Opposite weights



8 thoughts on “Stationary row from New Zealand to Hawai’i – update

  1. Fraser Hart

    Good pace Woe-blays. Based on these numbers, if we let you do all the rowing yourself around the clock, we can complete the race in 12.5 days. I’ll hold a screen in front of your face with back to back to back to back to back, etc Beavis and Butthead, Sam can spoon feed you and James can bang a drum. Deal?

    1. Carly

      London Heathrow Duty Free. @MlilVendessa aww thank u :)@glamour rouge I got mine from duty free, thanks for the tip on the lotion, however the mac one is holding up good, not sure I want to experiment! x

    2. all secure kfz versicherung telefonnummer

      Juuri näin Jan. Tärkeä avainkysymys on puunjalostusasteen nostaminen rakennusmateriaalien osalta. Miksi ei julistettaisi vaikkapa kilpailua, jossa jaetaan vaikkapa 50 -100 palkintoa alkaen 1000 euron kunniamaininnasta 100.000 euron pääpalkintoon heille joiden innovaatio kohottaa innovatiivisimmin puun jalostusastetta.Olennaista on että innovaatio on mahdollisuus kaupallistaa. Palkintorahat voidaan osittain saada yrityksiltä joiden edustaja ovat palkintoraadissa arvioimassa innovaation kaupallistamismahdollisuuksia. Osa aluekehittämiskeskuksilta osa you name it…


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